
Watch anywhere, anytime

Activate Netflix?
  • Watch Netflix on your TV, smartphone, computer
  • Extensive global catalog of award-winning Netflix Originals, series, movies and documentaries
  • Original, unique, personalized content based on your profile

Not a Pickx TV customer yet?

Want to enjoy the Netflix TV option, compose your pack with TV.

From 14.99 /month

Easy to watch and pay Netflix

Watch Netflix via your Proximus TV Box

Go to channel 57 with your remote, log in, and enjoy Netflix on your TV screen. No streaming needed.

Pay for Netflix via your Proximus bill

  • All your Proximus costs on a single bill
  • No credit card required
  • If you already have a Netflix account, but still want to pay via your Proximus bill, you can switch your account

How much does Netflix cost?

Choose the Netflix subscription that suits you best, via channel 57 on your TV



  • 2 screens at a time
  • High Definition

14.99 /month


  • 4 screens at a time
  • Ultra High Definition

19.99 /month

How can you watch Netflix?

You have several possibilities:

Go for Flex Netflix

  • With the Flex Netflix pack, you have a pack with Netflix already included
  • You can configure this pack to your needs

You already have

  • TV?
  • a Netflix account?
  • a pack with another TV bundle?
  • ...

Frequently asked questions

For information on sharing your Netflix account, please visit the Netflix Help CenterNew window.

For more information on your Netflix Household, please visit the Netflix Help CenterNew window.

For more information on using Netflix while traveling, please visit the Netflix Help CenterNew window.

Proximus billing and/or Netflix Packages cannot be used to create an account with Profile Transfer. Please visit the Netflix Help CenterNew window for more information. 

Extra Members cannot be added to Netflix accounts paid through Proximus. Please visit the Netflix Help CenterNew window for more information.

Find all your TV options

The Terms and Conditions and Pricelist & tariffs apply.

TV bundle: choice (you can change 2 times / year) from a list selected by Proximus.

Netflix: follow the instructions to activate your Netflix streaming subscription. The price of the Netflix subscription will be included on your Proximus bill/payment statement. TV of Proximus provides technically simplified access to Netflix via the decoder. The Netflix TV bundle and the simplified access are provided throughout the validity period of the contract with Netflix and are subject to changes imposed by Netflix. More information: window. The TV bundle relates to the Netflix subscription for two screens. On request: Netflix for four screens (€5 more/month).

Why choose the Proximus Netflix TV Option?

Netflix, is the No. 1 offer for lovers of the very latest films and series! Set off on the discovery of a catalogue always packed with international films, series and documentaries brought out or produced by Netflix. A must-have for any cinephile!

According to your needs you can choose from 2 Netflix subscriptions:

Netflix Standard Netflix Premium
Number of distribution screens 2 screens at a time 4 screens at a time
Definition HD Ultra HD
Price €14.99/month €19.99/month
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