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From Belgium
0800 55 800 0800 55 800

From abroad
+32 475 15 60 30 +32 475 15 60 30

Be smart and fast: have your customer number and your line number ready.

For administrative questions, also keep the last 4 digits of your bank account handy.

Lost or stolen mobile? We'll block your SIM card immediately, 24/7.

Opening hours

Select the opening hours for the service
you need:

Weekdays: from 8 AM till 8 PM

peak hours 8 20u

Saturdays: from 9 AM till 5:30 PM

peak hours 9 17u30

Sundays and bank holidays: closed

Weekdays: from 8 AM till 8 PM (till 6:30 PM for payments)

peak hours 8 20u

Saturdays: from 9 AM till 5:30 PM

peak hours 9 17u30

Sundays and bank holidays: closed

Weekdays: from 8 AM till 10 PM

peak hours 8 20u

Weekend and bank holidays: from 9 AM till 10 PM

peak hours 9 17u30

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Proximus Digital Assistant