Transfer Cloud Exchange to Proximus Mail

Have you received an e-mail that Cloud Exchange will soon be discontinued and are you worried that you won't receive the e-mails sent to your domain name anymore? Don't worry! You can transfer your Cloud Exchange solution to Proximus Mail in 3 easy steps if you have a Proximus Internet subscription. 

Link your domain name to your mailboxes and e-mail addresses

It's important to follow the steps in the order indicated or you will not be able to create an e-mail address linked to your domain name.

  1. Surf to window and log in with your MyProximus credentials. If you don't have an account yet, subscribe to MyProximusNew window.
  2. Create one or more mailboxes by clicking Create a new mailbox at the top left. If you already have existing mailboxes, you will see them at the top left in a drop-down menu. They can also be used to link your e-mail addresses in step 5. It's best that you create a different mailbox per person.
  3. How do you now link your domain name with Proximus mailboxes? Contact the DNS master by e-mail and ask to link your domain name with your Proximus mailboxes, as well as their e-mail addresses. Example of a request:
    Please link my domain name with the Proximus mailboxes.
    Domain name:
    Mailbox: - e-mail address: - e-mail address:
  4. If you want to create other mailboxes with other e-mail addresses, repeat from step 2. Return to window and select the mailbox at the top left for which you will create a new e-mail address.
  5. In the input field under Manage user names (aliases), enter an e-mail address linked to your domain name and click on Create. If you no longer know the password for your mailbox, you can change it in the top right-hand corner as you will need it to configure your e-mail program.
  6. Repeat step 5 for all of the mailboxes you created.

Please note: creating a new mailbox is only possible if you have not yet exceeded the number of mailboxes within your subscription. If you have, link your new e-mail address to an existing mailbox.

Set up your new e-mail address

If the steps above have been completed, you can set up the new e-mail address on your mobile, tablet or computerNieuw venster by following the steps to set up a Proximus e-mail address.

Transfer your old e-mails to your new e-mail address

Copy the e-mails in your e-mail program from your old Cloud Exchange mailbox to your new Proximus mailbox. If you have a lot of e-mails, this may take a while.

All done! Your Cloud Exchange e-mails are now transferred to Proximus Mail and you can continue to receive e-mails on your domain name.