Efficient communication with customers and employees

Published on 17/12/2020 in Solution news

Via e-mail? Or a phone call after all? A lot depends on the situation and on your customer or employee. They determine which channel suits them best at that moment. Proximus helps you communicate, no matter which way your customers prefer.

Efficient communication with customers and employees

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From traditional to digital

How you communicate has a remarkable impact on the experience of your brand and the satisfaction and loyalty of your customers and employees. As a company, you still communicate differently than you communicate with your family and friends. In private, we have been using digital channels such as WhatsApp, Instagram and Twitter rather than more traditional forms of communications such as phone, email and letters for quite some time now.

Smart communication

How do you meet expectations? By focusing on the most effective channels according to the needs of the customer or employee. The following means of communication can be used in countless situations.

1. Text message: still the most effective

Text messaging remains the most effective means of communication. Everybody uses it and every cell phone supports it. No less than 90% of all text messages are opened, 60% of which within 3 minutes. With a text message, you reach all your employees and customers. That makes text messages the most effective channel for reminding your customers about, for example, an appointment or unpaid invoices.

2. WhatsApp for Business: the most popular

Do your customers also like the option of adding images to a text message? WhatsApp is the most popular mobile communications app. On average, 90% of messages are read. No wonder, because the messages appear in real time on your phone's lock screen. This allows a customer to send photos of the damage to the car to their garage using WhatsApp. With this, the garage owner estimates the repair time and digitally records an appointment.

3. Chat and voice bots: the future

Are you open to innovation? Chatbots and voice bots automate the repetitive tasks for your employees. They quickly reply to FAQ's and standard questions, even at night and on weekends when your company is closed. So you'll never miss another call. You can link bots to your calendar to schedule appointments. You prefer contact by phone? Then a voice bot or voice assist is the ideal solution. The bot is multilingual and speaks your customers’ and employees’ language.

An interim employment agency had a chatbot installed to process the reporting of sick leave for its temporary workers and integrated it into the scheduling system. This freed up more than half the working hours of a full-time employee to spend on more urgent matters.

4. DocDrop: go multimedia

One customer prefers to receive their invoice on paper, the other digitally.

When sending important documents such as pay slips, invoices and registered letters, it is crucial to choose the correct method.

DocDrop takes care of this. With one click you can send (registered) letters or e-mails via the platform and send a reminder via text message. This way, you no longer have to go to the post office and everything is done digitally.

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