Manage your digital workforce of content providers
Published on 14/05/2020 in Sectors
Manage communication and organizational challenges in your content provider team: work together in a secure, efficient and lean way. Enhance availability to create content in collaboration with team members anywhere.
Unified communication for remote teams
Content creators are often free to work remotely, but this requires more organization from their employer. Prepare for these challenges and enhance collaboration between content producers, content creators and any other team members from wherever they are located.
Unified communication for remote workersSecure applications for your mobile content team
Reduce staff attrition and eliminate long commutes for your team of content producers. Offer your team members the possibility to work remotely and enable them to use applications on your private network in a secure way.
Mobile devices always at your disposal
Instant and continuous communication between team members. Provide your content producers and creators with a mobile device. Make them available to other team members always and everywhere. Enjoy digital management of all your devices and guaranteed replacement of phones in case of damage.
Advantages of leasing devicesShared mobile data bundles
A content production team needs flexibility: your high-quality results are only made possible by working together. Share a pool of mobile data between different contributors and at various times.
Advantage of a flexible mobile data poolProximus team
Proximus keeps you informed on the latest news and trends for ict professionals.