Proximus mobile network fastest in Belgium says BIPT
Published on 23/07/2024 in Industry recognition
The BIPT has published the results of its annual test campaign measuring the quality and speed of the mobile networks. The Proximus network turns out to be the fastest, with unrivaled download speeds for 4G and 5G.
For the tests, which were conducted in September 2023, the regulator used two specially equipped vehicles that drove around the country conducting measurements of the stability, quality, and speed of mobile calls and data connections.
Proximus best 4G and 5G download speed
The quality of mobile calls is very high for all the operators. However, Proximus emerges as fastest for initiating a call, with an average startup time of 2.4 seconds.
In the tests for data connections, there are clear differences between the operators. The download speed on the Proximus 4G network is 84.9 Mbps on average, a quarter to 50% faster than the other networks. The difference is even greater for 5G download speed. With an average of 136.8 Mbps, the Proximus network scores 45 to 50% better than its competitors. At 24.5 Mbps on average, the upload speed on the Proximus 4G network is likewise the highest, while for 5G it finishes second with an average of 28.5 Mbps.
These outstanding results also translate into actual user experience. Proximus is the fastest on average in downloading a 10 MB file, opening a web page, and starting a YouTube video.
Independent recognitions confirm quality of the Proximus network
The results demonstrate the importance of Proximus’ continuing investments in its mobile network. In the summer of 2022, Proximus acquired considerably more spectrum than its competitors in the spectrum auction. These investments will allow Proximus to continue to make a difference for mobile experience in the coming decades.
The BIPT report is the third recognitionfor the Proximus mobile network in a short time. In January, Proximus was recognized as the operator with the 'best mobile network coverage in Belgium', according to the BeCover+ measurements of Test Aankoop/Test Achats. And on an international level, Ookla, a globally renowned provider of speed tests, published figures on the median mobile download speeds in various countries. Once again Proximus scored very well. With a median speed of 89.67 Mbps, it did almost 50% better than its direct competitors.
The BIPT is the authorized federal regulator for the electronic communication market, postal market, electromagnetic radio frequency spectrum and audiovisual media services, and video platform services in the Brussels-Capital Region.
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