ISO certification is also a quality label in the cloud
Published on 29/11/2023 in Industry recognition
How can you be sure that your data are almost always available in the cloud? Or that you are buying a cloud service from a data center with an efficiently managed ecological footprint? Proximus NXT offers peace of mind by opting for ISO certification.

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) defines, manages, and improves standards for all kinds of products, services, processes, and inspections. The certificates issued by ISO are considered an independent benchmark. “Don’t hesitate to see a certificate like this as a quality label,” says Peter Hoffmann, Product Owner Hybrid Cloud at Proximus NXT. “The certificate offers the guarantee that your product or service complies with the rules and conditions that benefit from international consensus.”
An ISO certificate shows that we meet the international standards. It offers a certain guarantee.
Peter Hoffmann, Product Owner Hybrid Cloud at Proximus NXT.
Three ISO certificates
In concrete terms, Proximus holds three ISO certificates: ISO 9001 for quality management, ISO 27001 for information management, and ISO 14001 for environmental management. “ISO 9001 is more or less the mother of ISO certificates,” says Rik Beckaert, quality manager at Proximus NXT. “This is the certificate with which companies usually start their ISO journey.” At Proximus, the ISO 9001 certificate guarantees, among other things, the quality of the sales process, the implementation of products and services, the service management and the support.
ISO 27001 is a lot more specific and relates to information security, in particular in the context of data center and cloud services. Finally, ISO 14001 is the standard for the use of an environmental management system. Proximus obtained this certificate for the housing and implementation of cloud services in its Machelen data center. “Incidentally, obtaining a certificate is not a one-off task,” says Rik. “It calls for a sustained effort, with an audit every year and a re-certification process every three years.”
What extra guarantee does ISO offer?
“Actually, the importance of the certificates is self-evident,” according to Peter. “More and more frequently, companies that ask us to draw up a proposal for cloud services require us to present ISO certificates.” The fact that Proximus has the certificates requested gives the customer extra assurance. The certificates provide a form of guarantee. Peter: “The certificates show that we meet the standards, for example with regard to data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Or they prove that all the necessary checks are incorporated, for example in the context of sovereign cloud.”
Proximus deliberately invests in ISO awareness so that all staff members understand how they contribute to the story.
Rik Beckaert, Quality Manager at Proximus NXT.
Head start with new standards
The certificates also provide a basis on which Proximus can continue to work. “Having the ISO 27001 certificate does not automatically mean that you are compliant with all the GDPR requirements,” says Peter, “but you have completed a significant part of the exercise.” It can also serve as a basis for extra certification. “If a new standard appears on the radar, there is a good chance that we have a certain head start thanks to our ISO certificates,” Rik declares. “That really is a big advantage on our market.”
ISO compliant by design
The fact that Proximus has embedded the ISO narrative throughout its operations is at least equally important. “When we develop a new service, we make sure that it is compliant with the ISO standards by design,” Rik explains. “As the certifying organization, ISO keeps a close eye on this, too. You have to be able to prove again and again that you are compliant.” In addition, customers sometimes ask if they can screen a Proximus product or service themselves. “That’s possible too,” says Peter. “We have already had third-party audits.”
When we develop a new service, we make sure that it is compliant with the ISO standards by design.
Rik Beckaert, Quality Manager at Proximus NXT.
Confidence, peace of mind, a hassle-free solution
To benefit from the ISO approach to the full, it is important to bring the whole organization on board. “That’s what we do at Proximus,” says Rik. “Senior management helps spread the ISO message. We invest heavily in awareness, so that all staff members understand how they contribute to the story. We support that with e-learning, short films, and the like.”
ISO streamlines processes
The Proximus approach clearly emphasizes the benefits of ISO. “ISO brings clarity,” Rik believes. “Everything is correctly documented. If you follow the procedures, you know that you are doing your job properly. So ISO helps everyone with their job. Consequently, the whole company moves forward.” That creates confidence, including among customers. “Which is ultimately what it’s all about,” Rik concludes. “The ISO certificates bring peace of mind and take away the hassle. The certificates confirm that the customer does not need to worry about these specific areas.”
Peter Hoffmann is Product Owner Hybrid Cloud at Proximus NXT.
Rik Beckaert is Quality Manager, Center of Excellence ISO & Quality Assurance at Proximus NXT.
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