What does Google know about you and how does it collect your data?

Veröffentlicht am 05/12/2022 in Bits und Bytes

As you wander around the web, Google collects a lot of data about you. Every search, every website you visit, every place you go: Google collects everything for commercial purposes. Find out here what Google knows about you, how it collects your data and how you can stop it.

What does Google know about you and how does it collect your data?

Read the full article in French or Dutch.


Eifriger Web- & App-Nutzer, muss zugeben, dass ich ein kleines bisschen FOMO habe, also gehe ich nie ohne mein Smartphone raus! #Freunde #Familie #Reisen #Web #Popculture #Grafikdesign #Kunst #Spaß

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