Fiber is to replace the copper pipes in your street
Veröffentlicht am 06/11/2019 in Seien Sie der Erste, der es erfährt
Always connected to the Internet. Whether at home or on the move, it's always part of our daily activities these days. In order for this digital life in our country to continue to grow, there is one important condition: a reliable and sustainable internet connection. Today and in the future.

Find out how we use fiber on a large scale as the first Belgian telecom operator, in French or Dutch.
Do you already have fiber in your neighbourhood? In order to continue to surf, call and watch TV without interruption, it is important to check if you are eligible to fiber and choose one of our Fiber Packs. Be sure to do this in time.
Digital und Content Marketer. Gartenarbeit ist meine Leidenschaft, genau wie Essen. Aber gleich nach dem Spielen einiger Serien oder Filme, denn das ist mein Ding.