Hello, HD Voice!

Veröffentlicht am 20/03/2016 in Seien Sie der Erste, der es erfährt

Proximus innovates and launches HD Voice on its network.

Hello, HD Voice!

Smartphones are small miracles of technology. I’m almost 40 and I marvel every day at the fact that I have a device in my pocket that’s 1000 times more powerful than the computer I used as a student at university.

Every aspect of a smartphone is impressive: from the screen, to the graphics, the design, the processor, … EXCEPT the audio quality of voice calls.

A phone call still sounds the same since the launch of the GSM network. That’s painfully out of sync with the rest of the smartphone experience. 

Until now! Because Proximus innovates and launches HD Voice on its network. With every call in HD quality, you enjoy clear sound, better voice quality and less noise. Sadly, this means you will no longer be able to use the excuse ‘sorry, I misunderstood on the phone :) .

Most recent smartphones are HD voice compatible and you don’t have to activate anything! HD Voice will be rolled out automatically on our network and is included in all price plans.

HD voice only works from Proximus Mobile to Proximus mobile (on 3G), so not on landlines or mobile numbers from another operator.


Ich habe eine Leidenschaft für das Internet und die Kommunikation und bin ein großer Fan unserer Marke.

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