Do visitors leave your site too quickly? 7 tips for your website layout.

Veröffentlicht am 24/09/2018 in Inspiration

Did you know that people read websites differently than other types of texts? On the internet, we scan pages, looking for specific bits of information. The result for entrepreneurs like you is that you only have a few seconds to convince visitors about the value of your website. Fortunately, there are a few nifty tricks you can use to drive up your webpages’ relevance.

Do visitors leave your site too quickly? 7 tips for your website layout.

This is how you get visitors to your website

Newsflash: almost nobody really reads your web copy. Most of your visitors click away after just a few seconds. And even if somebody stays a bit longer, it’s most likely that they’ll only be quickly scanning your page.

It has been proven that visitors look at webpages in an F-pattern: people read the top line and a section of copy in the middle, but in between they only scan a few elements on the left side of the screen. Are you taking this into consideration? If not, the relevant information you want to convey may be lost.

The lesson here? Communicate faster.

So, your visitors leave your site too quickly? That’s too bad, but it’s not the end of the world. You can tackle this issue by being a little smarter in how you design your website:

  1. Start with the most important information first. In that way you’ve covered the essential.
  2. Embrace the F-pattern: put relevant information on the left side and align your copy to the left-hand side.
  3. Spend time coming up with good, enticing titles and subtitles. Make sure your visitors want to read more.
  4. Make use of visually striking elements like bullet points. Nothing is more boring than a page full of copy.
Above all: help your visitor

The difference between a good website and a bad one? A good website helps its visitors. Your visitor clicked through to your website because they were looking for information. 
Think about what it is that your customer needs and give them that. The faster you can answer their questions, the greater the chance they’ll appreciate your company and will want to become a customer.

A few more ways for your website to be seen as extra helpful:

  1. Use graphs, research and other evidence. Nobody will just want to take your word for it.
  2. Provide relevant information. Stick to what will really be useful to your visitors.
  3. Don’t be afraid to reference other websites. You may lead a few visitors away, but you’ll gain the confidence of the rest.

Did you not think through the structure of your website carefully enough? 
You are paying for that now: not only are your visitors leaving your site too quickly, but they are also missing your message. Invest in a good web developer. A professional knows how to deal with your visitors and will help your website produce better results.

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