Proximus Secure Net

Blocking high-risk websites while you’re browsing.

Try for free

Work with peace of mind

Surf safely

Secure Net detects malicious sites and blocks them before the connection is established.

Immediately protected

No need to download any software, the protection takes place as soon as you’re connected to the network.

Affordable protection

Free trial for 3 months! Then only €4.5/month for pack.

During the last 30 days, Proximus Secure Net has blocked on average:

Cyberthreats by customer

of which





Don't underestimate the consequences of a bad click!

For you, they may not always be visible, but the risk is very real You can permanently lose files, have your bank details stolen and even have your production or activity temporarily stopped.

Secure Net acts preventively: it blocks the threat behind a link and notifies you of the risk.

What are you protected against?

  • Viruses are malicious software designed to disrupt, damage or gain unauthorized access to a computer system.
  • Phishing is the sending of fraudulent messages encouraging the disclosure of sensitive information.
  • Ransomware is a type of malware designed to block access to a computer system in exchange for money.

Improve your IT security

Secure Net in pack

Protection on Proximus fixed network and mobile

  • Antivirus, antispam & anti-phishing
  • Protection against theft or personal data
  • Possibility to have a pack (mobile and fixed network) for €4.50/month

As of instead of €3 €0/ month

for 3 months

Frequently asked questions about Secure Net

Proximus Secure Net protects every device connected to your Internet subscription and your Internet line by blocking access to malicious websites. Malicious websites are designed to infect your devices with malware or viruses, to steal personal information, financial data or passwords.

Proximus Secure Net is based on Umbrella Easy Protect from Cisco Talos Intelligence Group. It is a cloud-based security platform that is the first line of defence and therefore :

  • detects known and emerging threats in common software before a connection is even made
  • Stops phishing and malware
  • Prevents data theft

Proximus Secure Net is extremely secure because it is based on Umbrella Easy Protect from the Cisco Talos Intelligence Group. It is the first line of defence against viruses from malicious websites that steal personal information, financial data or passwords. So you can surf with peace of mind and security.

However, we advise you to always remain vigilant against scams and phishing. Follow Safeonweb's advice to surf safely.

Do you want to play it safe? For the most complete protection of your devices, we recommend Norton Security.

Have you activated Proximus Secure Net for your mobile phone number? If you are connected to wifi or mobile data, your mobile phone is also protected. Please note that your mobile phone is not protected if you are surfing abroad, on a public hotspot or on a third-party network.

The good news is that it will not affect your browsing experience. Since Proximus Secure Net only intervenes at the network level, you will not notice anything while surfing.

Harmful websites that endanger your devices or your personal data are immediately blocked.

Do you still want to visit a website that is blocked? We do not recommend this, but you can visit the website via another unsecured network or by deactivating Proximus Secure Net via MyProximus on your mobile phone number.

Any additional questions?

More specific needs?

With Norton Security, you stay protected beyond the Proximus network, even abroad.

Your important files are kept on a secure cloud and you also benefit from a password manager

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