A website that nobody can find, what’s the point?

Veröffentlicht am 26/09/2018 in Ihre Geschichten

In early 2018, Dorothée and Xavier opened the doors of their Minnie & Frenchie wine bar. Their expertise? Pamper guests with good food and delicious natural wines ... all served with a good dose of humour.

A website that nobody can find, what’s the point?

Name : Dorothée Capelluto and Xavier Vandenbroeck
Function :  Entrepreneurs
Company :  Wine bar in Lasne
Their expertise : pamper guests with good food and delicious natural wines in a stylish setting
Website :  minniefrenchie.be

A huge passion for natural wines ...

Xavier and Dorothée may be young entrepreneurs, but they already know the areas of business they enjoy and excel in … and those they appreciate less! Dorothée: “What I like best is welcoming our clients, cooking for them and making them taste the best natural wines!”

... but less for websites

Dorothée continues: “On the other hand, everything that relates to the website and social networks, I’m not that interested in and frankly I don’t have the time!” Xavier confirms this: “Absolutely. It's too much for us. We prefer to leave it to the pros.”

SEO not at the top

And yet the founders of Minnie & Frenchie appreciate what a good website can do for their business. “We already had a basic site, a simple page that took you to Facebook and Instagram, where you could also find our email address,” says Dorothée. Xavier adds: “The problem was that people only came to our site by chance, it existed of course but no one could find it, so we really needed to improve our SEO. It’s simple really, if people can find you online, they can usually find the way to your actual premises as well!”

Dreaming of a more complete site

Xavier: “The site of our dreams? It is certainly far more complete than we had up until now. It’s got information about our wines and their origin for example. As well as the prices of all our products. And it references all the fun times we’ve had in the wine bar and the memories we’ve shared on Facebook and Instagram.”

Pros to the rescue!

“When we heard that Proximus could make a new site for us, we didn’t hesitate for long,” enthuses Dorothée. “All we had to do was provide the content, nothing more, the rest we entrusted to the pros at Proximus.” Xavier concurs: “It was ideal because I had nothing to do (laughs)! And it paid off too, because now not only do we have a site that looks great but it also works as well. People can find us online now. SEO = OK!”

“The best part of Bizz Online? I didn’t need to do ANYTHING. The pros at Proximus did it all. What a joy!”

Does your company need a good website?

In no time at all Bizz Online can create a professional website that’s ready to go and affordable too.

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