Test FAQ and flow URLs

This is a link with macro FAQ URL

This is a link with macro flow URL

This is a link with macro SEF URL

This is a full URL link

This is a UUID link

This is a link to short URLNew window

This is a link to an external website

This is an accessible button Opens a new window

View the RES, SE and ME-COR version of this test page.

We have an issue with FAQ URLs linking to a FAQ content: users go are sent to another segment than the one visited.

  • This FAQ URL targets SE even when available on other segments.
    There are RES and SE pages using this static FAQ content so we'd expect to go to RES if we were visiting RES and SE if we were visiting SE or ME-COR.
  • This FAQ URL targets ME-COR even when available on other segments.
    There are RES, SE and ME-COR pages using this static FAQ content so we'd expect to stay in the same segment as the one currently visited.

We have exactly the same issue for FAQ URLs linking to a FAQ content that has now been disabled because a HC flow component has been added on the page.

  • This FAQ URL always targets SE.
    There are RES and SE pages using this static FAQ content so we'd expect to go to RES if we were visiting RES and SE if we were visiting SE or ME-COR.
  • This FAQ URL always targets ME-COR.
    There are RES, SE and ME-COR pages using this static FAQ content so we'd expect to stay in the same segment as the one currently visited.