B-box/Internet Box swap or appointment with a technician

During the next stage, we will check whether a change of b-box/Internet Box can improve your situation or whether a technician should be sent to your home.

Is the technician's visit free? It depends on the location and the technical circumstances of the problem.

The intervention is free, except in case of vertical cabling in an apartment building. The customer is also responsible in case of improper use (e.g., if deliberate damage is caused to the connection point, etc.).

  • The intervention costs €85
    You are responsible for private cabling and equipment (telephones, modems, decoders) behind the connection point. This € 85 charge covers the technician's call-out costs, the time needed to solve the problem and any minor material required (additional connection point, USB cable, etc.). The charge also applies when there is a problem with your modem, decoder, etc. and you want the device to be replaced by a technician, instead of opting for an alternative such as exchanging the device. in a collection point.
  • For repeated interventions within a 14-day period, the flat-rate charge will be billed only once.
  • For an intervention outside office hours a surcharge will be applied.