Public Wi-Fi

Surf wherever and whenever you want!

Switch automatically between mobile internet and free Wi-Fi

1 - Install Proximus+ app on your smartphone or tablet

2 - Go to “Products”, below click to activate Public Wi-Fi

3 - No need for a login your device will connect automatically

3 - No need for a login your device will connect automatically

4 - Enjoy the Public Wi-Fi experience, switch automatically between mobile internet and free Wi-Fi

4 - Enjoy the Public Wi-Fi experience, switch automatically between mobile internet and free Wi-Fi

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No access to Public Wi-Fi yet?

The Terms and Conditions and Pricelist & tariffs apply.

  • To use the Wi-Fi Hotspots free of charge, you need to be a Proximus Internet customer with:
    • a secured b-box2 modem or b-box3 modem with Wi-Fi activated. Do you have a different modem? In that case you can surf via all the hotspots, but you cannot share your modem yet.
    • a secure Internet connection. Secure your network with a password.
    • 1 login per Proximus Internet subscription.
  • Do you have a mobile phone subscription in your Pack with Internet? In that case, you enjoy an optimal experience thanks to Public Wi-Fi. You get an additional access for each mobile phone subscription in your Pack. Activate Public Wi-Fi with 1 click in the Proximus+ app.
  • The volume you use via these Wi-Fi hotspots in Belgium and abroad is deducted from your monthly Internet usage. In case you use more, the connection will not be cut but Proximus will reduce the maximum speed to 128kbps.
  • Deactivation: if you do not want your modem to become a Wi-Fi hotspot for other users, you can call 0800 20 640 free of charge to deactivate the service. In that case, you can no longer use other Wi-Fi Spots. You can activate the service again free of charge. Follow the procedure described in the category "Did you disable the Wi-Fi Hotspot function?
  • The number of visitors on your Wi-Fi hotspot as well as their traffic consumption is limited by Proximus. This means you will not perceive any noticeable degradation in your private internet experience. Also the TV quality is guaranteed as this traffic will always take priority. Every person using your secured hotspot is responsible for the sites he or she visits and the actions taken. You can in no way be held liable for malicious use by other persons via your modem – if your modem is secured.
  • You cannot share your modem with other users? You probably do not have the adapted technology. If you surf via an ADSL connection, you cannot share your modem for the time being. However, you can use all other Wi-Fi hotspots after you created a login.

General Terms and Conditions Public Wi-Fi

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